Each of Us can Help Transform our Social Turmoil into a Better Society

I haven’t written for several weeks because well, I’ve felt speechless. We are living through a global health pandemic and a catastrophic economic collapse which puts in clear focus the extreme inequalities within our society. For the past week we’ve also witnessed an explosion of pain and anger across our country sparked by the despicable and inhumane murder of an unarmed black man, George Floyd, by a white (now former) policeman. I feel woefully inept to offer advice or a unique perspective on what to do or how to help.

Each of us is responsible

But each of us must find our response. The United States of America was built on the principle of self determination. If one concept is the bedrock of who we are as a people, of what our country and sovereignty symbolizes, it is that of self determination. With self determination comes a level of personal responsibility that is uniquely American. This is on us. The crux of our pain comes from how we built this country on the back of slavery, treating human beings as property with barbaric cruelty, juxtaposed to the ideals of self determination and democratic representation which mobilized our independence. We as citizens bare responsibility for living with this duality, and each of us must decide what we can do to help right what is wrong.

So I’m asking myself what I can do, a white American woman, to help make sure that every American, absolutely every American citizen, shares the same rights and privileges of citizenship that I do.

Be Anti-Racist.

Silence is complicity. If I hear or see racist behavior or speech I call it out. I will leave someone’s home, I will walk out of a business, I will confront the hierarchy of my employment, I will raise my voice and I will interject when I see racism. No ifs, ands or buts, I will find a way to protest every time .

Be a Proactive Citizen

Photo Credit Malgorzata Baker Photography

I will contact my local, state and federal leaders when they make decisions that I care about. Change in leadership comes in many forms, not just every four years, and in the USA citizens are also constituents – leaders must listen to the people who vote them into office. I encourage you to find out who your leaders are and to advocate for change with your local legislators. Get involved in electing judges, district attorneys, state legislators and community boards. Living in a democracy means that you can call your elected officials and make your voice heard, and if officials don’t seem to be representing the interests of everyone in your community, then demand explanations.

I vote. When I lived overseas I voted by by mail and during this Covid19 pandemic I’m voting by mail. Please exercise your right to vote. Living in a democracy means that citizens not only have a right but if change is needed we have a responsibility to vote. The hyperlinks here take you to guides on how to contact your local and national representatives and on how to register to vote.

Support Diversity in your Neighborhood, Town and County.

Speaking with our wallet is powerful! Show how much you appreciate the ethnic diversity in your community by frequenting black owned and minority owned businesses. Look for opportunities to support events, festivals and exhibitions that promote the cultural histories and contributions of the different ethnic groups that make up our national identity. Celebrate all of the gifts of diversity that you enjoy in your life as an American – the food, the music, the languages – and find a way to let people know how much you appreciate these beautiful contributions. Our diversity is precious, do your part to make sure that all groups in our society are duly recognized for their contributions.

Learn from Each-Other

Most of us have been glued to the news, our podcasts, social media, the television – wherever we get information. We’re horrified . Please share what you are doing to cope and work through what you’re seeing. If you are marching and protesting, I applaud your passion. If you’re trying to explain to your children what is happening, I respect your enormous contribution – you are shaping our nation’s future in your living rooms. If you’re distracting yourself in your gardens or with long walks or in the kitchen baking cakes…I’m there with you! If you want to share your thoughts on what each of us can do to help, please add your comments. My hope is that these posts spur conversation and sharing that helps pull us all through to a better place.

Stay safe and sane and hug someone you love today if you can.


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