Resolutions 2022 – One Step at a Time

2021,Thank Goodness it’s Over.

2021 was exhausting. Worn out is my current state of mind, and I’m tepidly approaching 2022 resolutions. If the world wasn’t in unprecedented turmoil my list would seem pretty doable and relevant: Read a novel in French; Lose a couple pounds; Re-learn embroidery (my favorite pastime when I was a little girl); lower my cholesterol; Plant some indigenous flowers around our house.

But as I breath a shaky sigh of relief that 2021 is over those goals feel crowded out by the challenges that made last year so exhausting and haven’t gone away: Stay healthy during a global health pandemic that’s entering its third year; Save our democracy from the extremist groups and militias (and collaborating lawmakers) that tried to overthrow the government on January 6th last year; Save our planet from climate change and pollution caused by fossil fuels and bloated landfills. I mean really, who cares if I keep up my French, or fit into those jeans, in that context?

New Year Resolutions are a form of self-care though. We need them. Resolutions are like the oxygen masks in an airplane, you must put one on yourself before you’re in a position to help others. Whether it’s a gym membership or an online course – personal goals represent time that you’re taking for yourself to be stronger. And it does feel like, collectively, we all need to be stronger to face the challenges before us.

One Step at a Time

My motto this year will be One Step at a Time. And that of course means something different to each of us. Maybe it means clean out one drawer a week, if de-cluttering is on your list. Or for me, 15 minutes, a couple days a week, with classic French literature and a dictionary – I’ve been on page 36 of Les Misérables for two years, so reading French 30-45 minutes a week would be a notable accomplishment. I may never embroider as well as I did at 6 years old, but I’ll enjoy taking a free on-line class. And maybe I’ll be able to cover-up that stain on my summer blouse with a flower. One Step at a Time is a gentle way to move forward because each step is something to feel good about, and it helps us hold hope in our hearts that each day we’re becoming a little stronger.

For One Step at a Time to feel relevant now, at least for me, I need to carry it over to those bigger challenges. Clearly, I have very little influence over the global impact of Coronovirus19 or the weakening of our democratic institutions and climate change, but these issues directly affect me and my family. More importantly, I will be part of the problem if I don’t find some way to do something helpful.

We upgraded to KN95 masks in our household during the current Omicron surge, and I’m not socializing outside of Zoom calls until case numbers drop. I’m writing a letter this week to journalists at the largest newspaper in my region, to beg them to cover more of our local politics because our county government is derelict concerning gerrymandered voting districts and public health policy. As for saving the planet, I will strengthen my commitment to live more sustainably – walk or ride my bicycle around town instead of driving; avoid products made of or packaged in plastic; purchase clothes second-hand; cook organic and locally sourced food. When I think of a new thing to do that may help, I’ll incorporate that idea into my lifestyle, One Step at a Time.

If you share the same big worries, I’ve written some blogs over the last year which may inspire your own 2022 resolutions:

On our constitutional legacy of citizenship – that First Amendment is both a privilege and a responsibility inherent to our democracy:
Happy Fourth of July! The Bill of Rights and the Amendment we Probably Make the Most Use of.
Plastic is Toxic, Lets Get Rid of It:
It’s Plastic Free July! Take the Plastic-Free Challenge,One Non-Plastic Choice at a Time.
The biggest sustainable living choice our family made in 2021:
We put Solar Panels on our Roof – Let me Debunk 3 Myths about Going Solar.
Eating More Organic Fruits and Vegetables Helps You and the Planet:
Colorful Meals – Cook to nurture yourself and your family!
This one is older but landfills are still overflowing with discarded clothes and I’m still finding choose-used treasures:
Shop Used! It’s Sustainable, Affordable and Fun for Fashion Lovers!

Resolutions are good for us because they foster hope for a better self, a better day, a better world. We owe ourselves the time to focus on our own health and growth. Please write in with your resolutions for 2022, you may inspire someone to follow in your footsteps!

Circa 1973

4 thoughts on “Resolutions 2022 – One Step at a Time”

  1. Matthew T. Hall but you can call me Mattie

    I’m biased, but writing a letter to the editor is a brilliant idea! Good luck with that and all your other resolutions.

    1. Mattie! I’m writing to Axios too, they have a national save-local-news project that they’re expanding this year, including a a new office in Baltimore. Thank you for your encouragement.

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